More leasing appetite for widebody freighters: Airbus | News | Airfinance Journal

More leasing appetite for widebody freighters: Airbus


Stan Shparberg, head of marketing Airbus Commercial Aircraft, expects more leasing appetite from the lessor community for widebody freighters.

“It is a great asset for lessors,” he tells Airfinance Journal. “We see E-commerce growth and lot of new players coming into the space like CMA-CGM and other companies in China and the USA that may require the support of lessors.”

“The proportion of passenger aircraft versus freighters is much greater and this is why we see more lessor transactions on the passenger side. But we definitely see appetite for freighters from leasing companies,” he comments.

Airbus launched the Airbus A350F two years ago and has recorded a 42% market share versus the 777F product, he recalls.

Air Lease has placed orders for seven A350Fs out of 39 units recorded on the programme. This represents about 18% of total orders.

Airbus A350F is set to enter service by 2026.

Shparberg expects full market recovery over the next few months. He says the international markets are still behind in terms of recovery with an estimated 90% of the pre-Covid levels.

“We are closer to early recovery forecast and I believe we will be at pre-Covid levels by the end of this year or early next year,” he said.

The A330neo and A350 families are covering the widebody market, which Airbus predicts at 8,220 new aircraft in that segment over the next 20 years. Of those, 1,490 will be freighters.

The global freighter fleet in service will reach 3,230 aircraft by 2042, including 1,240 aircraft for growth and 1,270 for replacement said Airbus in its 20-year forecast earlier this week.

Could Airbus develop an A330neo freighter?

"We developed a A330 freighter programme, we have a lot of activity on the passenger to freighter conversion for A330ceos, could we have an interest in the A330neo, why not but this is not launched," commented Florent Massou, head of Airbus widebody programmes.

"We don't have any specific discussion at the moment but if we find a market for this we will be eager to do it because the A330neo is a good platform," he added.

Shparberg says there will be a market for new freighter medium size as the 767 freighter is "coming to an end of its life". "There is a new ICAO Co2 standard, so there is an indication that there is probably a market for medium size freighter. We are listening to the market and try to understand what will be those needs and if the right opportunity came we will be eager to launch that product," he commented.

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