Deals of the Year Awards deadline extended | Analysis | Airfinance Journal

Deals of the Year Awards deadline extended


Airfinance Journal has extended the submissions deadline for its annual Deals of the Year awards to be held in Miami.

Please send completed nomination forms to Jack Dutton ( by close of business 23 February 2018.

To download the 2017 deal award nomination form, please click here. To submit nominations for the House of the Year award, please use this form.

To qualify for entry, deals must have been closed and funded between 1 January and 31 December 2017.

Jack will also be pleased to respond to any questions about the process.

The winners will be announced at Airfinance Journal’s Deals of the Year Awards Dinner to be held at the Rusty Pelican, Miami on 16 May 2018.

Following the revised awards format that was introduced in 2017, Airfinance Journal is delighted to announce that the following senior aviation finance executives have agreed to form this year’s judging panel: Bertrand Grabowski (former board member and head of aircraft finance at DVB), Scott Scherer (former vice-president of aircraft financial services and general manager of Boeing Capital Corp) and Hugh Robertson (former partner in the New York office of Milbank).

This format offers obvious independence and substance to the judging process. The judges will not vote in categories in which their former employers are nominated.

We are also introducing new categories of awards – News Event of the Year, The Airline Analyst Airline of the Year, Lessor of the Year, Used Aircraft Deal of the Year, Aviation Finance House of the Year and Aviation Finance Person of the Year.

The Global Product Award categories include:
- Lessor of the Year
- Aviation Finance House of the Year
- Bank Loan Deal of the Year
- Tax lease Deal of the Year
- Operating Lease Deal of the Year
- Used Aircraft Deal of the Year
- Export Credit Deal of the Year
- Capital Markets Deal of the Year
- Equity Deal of the Year
- M&A Deal of the Year

The Overall Deal of the Year, Innovative Deal of the Year and Editor's Deal of the Year will be selected from the nominations for the above categories. The Editor’s Deal will be determined by Jack Dutton.

The Airfinance Journal judging panel will also determine the below categories:

Airline Treasury Team of the Year: Based on submissions, this category will identify the airline treasury team which has outperformed its competitors in fleet financing.

Leasing Treasury Team of the Year: The winner will be the treasury team who has stood out in the leasing sector in terms of volume and number of financings arranged and the cost of funding achieved.

Aviation Finance Person of the Year: This category will recognise the person who stood out in the aviation finance sector in 2017 as a high achiever and thought leader.

Lifetime Achievement: Airfinance Journal will select the individual from submissions that we believe has distinguished themselves, while making the highest contribution to the industry over the course of their working life.

Airfinance Awards

News Event of the Year: This category will reveal the event that most impacted the aviation finance industry and will be determined by Airfinance Journal.

The Airline Analyst's Airline of the Year will be determined by Airfinance Journal’s data and will be awarded to the carrier that has shown the highest return on capital in its most recent financial year.

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